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Why is Hypnotherapy so effective?

Unlock Your True Potential

As a profession Hypnotherapy is young; as a force it is as old as the world.

The first words uttered, ‘Let there be light,’ constitute its character. All nature is vibrant with its impulse.

The key to Hypnotherapy

Hypnotherapy and all related therapies have one common factor that is fundamentally responsible for the incredible effectiveness of these therapies.


Hypnotherapy: Leveraging the Unconscious Mind

The unconscious mind has long been surrounded by many myths and misunderstandings. We fear the unknown instinctively because we crave certainty. As a result our relationship with our unconscious mind has suffered greatly.

For a long time the unconscious was considered a dark place festering with evil tendencies. Only the bravest of souls would venture into this unseen realm using various meditative techniques and of course also hypnosis.

Paracelsus is credited as the first to make mention of an unconscious aspect of cognition in his work Von den Krankheiten (translates as “About illnesses”, 1567), and his clinical methodology created a cogent system that is regarded by some as the beginning of modern scientific psychology.

What most people still don’t realise that our understanding of the unconscious mind has grown in leaps and bounds in recent times. Scientific exploration of the brain and nervous system and advances in the behavioural sciences has greatly increased our understanding of the functioning of the unconscious, or invisible, part of the mind.

There are many different definitions of the unconscious mind floating around. To clarify, I consider the unconscious mind to be every part of the mind that is not under direct conscious control. Hence, for example muscular movements are mostly unconscious. By this definition the unconscious mind accounts for well over 90% (probably closer to 99%) of our total Mind capacity.

Hypnotherapy: Seat of the Emotions

I purposely referred to Mind capacity rather than mental capacity in the previous paragraph. While we associate the Mind with mental activity it is vitally important to understand that a very important function of the unconscious mind is to manage our emotions. Emotions originate in our unconscious and the unconscious is the primary place for managing our emotions. Advanced Hypnotherapy techniques are very effective in clearing painful unprocessed emotions from the past. Conscious therapies generally tend to take far longer to achieve the same outcome relating to clearing emotional pain. In my experience one Hypnotherapy can often achieve what would normally take ten sessions or more with conscious therapies.

Hypnotherapy: Leveraging Your Supercomputer

As previously mentioned, your unconscious mind accounts for well over 90% of your total Mind capacity. Hypnotherapy and related therapies provide us with access to this incredibly powerful Bio-Supercomputer. I have witnessed many times the power of the unconscious mind to review and re-assess a lifetime of experiences in minutes, sometimes even seconds.

In over 20 years of Clinical Hypnotherapy I have witnessed many astounding examples of the power of the unconscious mind to resolve deep seated issues, whether they be physical, mental, emotional, spiritual or any combination thereof. Hypnotherapy is extremely effective in dealing with a wide range of issues. Here is a very small sample of specific applications for Hypnotherapy:
Hypnotherapy for Smoking, Hypnotherapy for Anxiety, Hypnotherapy for Depression, Hypnotherapy for Anger

There is still much to learn about our unconscious mind and about better more effective and even more efficient Hypnotherapy techniques. In years to come Hypnotherapy will undoubtedly become more and more mainstream as more people become ware of this incredibly effective therapeutic technique.

HYPNOTHERAPY: Unconscious Mind Research

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End of HYPNOTHERAPY: Unconscious Mind Research

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